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Academic Policies & Procedures

Academic Policies & Procedures

All Sheridan staff and students are expected to adhere to the College's academic and conduct policies. By defining the expectations within the Sheridan community, an environment of equity and fairness is created. It is the right and responsibility of each student and staff member to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and regulations. Make it a priority to read through the Sheridan Policies and Procedures so you know what is expected of you, and what you can expect from others.

View the full list of all of Sheridan's policies and procedures here.

The following policies are of particular interest to Continuing and Professional Studies students:

Academic Appeals and Consideration Policy

An academic appeal is a request against a decision of Sheridan, and not a complaint against a faculty or staff member. If you’re worried that a decision has been made that will negatively impact your academic standing, you can initiate an academic appeal. An academic appeal must be started within 5 business days after receipt of the decision or questionable grade. Please email for more information about the Academic Appeal policy.

Academic Integrity

Sheridan takes Academic Honesty very seriously. You need to as well! It is considered a breach of academic honesty to claim that the ideas, writing, projects or creations of someone else are your own. It’s also considered breach of honesty if you attempt to alter, suppress, falsify or make up research data or results, or forge an official academic record, application or document, or cheat.

All Sheridan faculty, staff and students are expected to be aware of breaches of academic honesty and are responsible for taking appropriate action if it’s believed that a breach of academic integrity has taken place. Suspected instances of academic honesty will be investigated and disciplined accordingly.

It’s up to you, as a Sheridan student, to know the rules and expectations. Review the Policy. For more information about this policy, please email

Student Code of Conduct

Each member of the Sheridan community has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. The Code of Conduct, in coordination with other related policies, is intended to provide guiding principles and rules for behaviour that, when followed, contribute to a respectful, supportive and safe place to work and learn. In the same manner that citizens of a community are responsible for their actions, so too are employees, students, contractors, consultants, visitors, volunteers, and any other person in our environment. As such, all members of our community are obligated to acknowledge and accept the responsibilities for good citizenship. 

Good citizenship is expressed as behaviour which respects the duties, obligations and functions of a citizen as set out in this Code.  

Harassment and Discrimination Policy

Sheridan College is committed to provide a working and learning environment that is free of discrimination and harassment and supportive of academic achievement and the dignity, self-esteem and fair treatment of everyone taking part in its activities. The college seeks to create a climate of mutual respect that reinforces opportunity and allows for each person to contribute fully to the development and well-being of the community.

Continuing and Professional Studies students should also be familiar with: 

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Policy

Get credit where credit is due! The Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is an assessment that weighs the academic value of previous education or work experience. For a small fee you can get an evaluation for each subject for which the PLAR credit is being requested.

PLAR Eligibility Requirements

If you are interested in challenging your course, please follow these steps listed below:

  • Not all courses are PLAR-applicable. Before a you make a payment, please reach out to to confirm any additional requirements.
  • You MUST be a Sheridan student to be considered eligible for PLAR
  • CAPS MUST first confirm the student's eligibility to complete the PLAR for the course
  • Once your eligibility for PLAR has been confirmed, you must complete the PLAR Application Form and pay the non-refundable assesment fee
  • CAPS will be reaching out to you to set up your assessment upon receipt of your completed application and payment

Advanced Standing 

Sheridan recognizes that some students who enter a program at the College will have earned post-secondary credits at other recognized post-secondary institutions and may wish to apply these credits towards a Sheridan credential. To apply for Advanced Standing, please request for an electronic copy of your transcript to be sent directly from the college/university where the courses were taken to, complete the advanced standing form found here and submit it along with electronic copies of your course outline(s). 

Advanced Standing Eligibility Requirements:

To be considered for Advanced Standing, the applicant’s courses must meet the following criteria:

  1. The course must have been completed from a recognized public institution
  2. For courses completed outside of Canada, you will be required to provide with a copy of your WES or ICAS evaluation.
  3. The course must be the same number of contact hours or more to Sheridan’s course
  4. The course must be the same credit value or more to Sheridan’s course (Note: courses at some schools do not have any credit value and thus would not be eligible)
  5. The applicant must have achieved a minimum grade of C (60%) in the course
  6. Students may request advanced standing for courses regardless of when they were completed. However, Sheridan reserves the right to deny Advanced Standing requests for courses completed more than 5 years ago based upon current relevancy of course content.

Advanced Standing vs Letter of Permission

Letter of Permission is formal authorization for a Sheridan student to take a course at another accredited post-secondary institution for credit towards their Sheridan College credential. Completed form(s) and outline(s) in PDF format are to be emailed to

A Letter of Permission happens before the course is taken - essentially so a student can know that by taking the course, it will count towards a Sheridan course. Whereas, an Advanced Standing happens after a course has been taken. When a student receives a letter of permission, they will still have to apply for advanced standing after their grade is in, but this process helps to make sure that the other elements of credit transfer have been met (grade requirement etc.)

The Letter of Permission Request Form can be found here:


CONGRATULATIONS! After all your hard work, you’ve made it!  Make sure you have everything in order so you can graduate on time and with ease. Students must make sure they have taken all their required courses to graduate from their program. Students need to complete the Status Check form.  When you finish your program, please contact the Office of the Registrar to request your credential. You'll need to include your name, student number, program and the credential you are seeking. 

Sheridan reserves the right to reassess previously granted credits more than five years old to ensure their relevancy at the time of graduation.

Sheridan Residency Requirement

A minimum of 25% of required credits for any Sheridan program must be completed at Sheridan to earn a Sheridan credential.  In order to graduate, an overall GPA of 2.0 is required for students in Sheridan Certificate, Ontario College Certificate, Ontario College Diploma, Ontario College Advanced Diploma and Ontario College Graduate Certificate programs.  


Absenteeism can have a negative effect on your ability to be successful in a course.  In order to assist you in achieving your goals, an attendance record of 80% is the expected for all Continuing and Professional Studies courses, and is mandatory for the Leadership Development Series courses and the Proficiency in Conversational French courses.   Intensive courses in the Leadership Development Series program require 100% attendance.