Learn about the payroll compliance responsibilities that affect organizations. Also develop knowledge to comprehend payroll legislation, and to effectively communicate these to all stakeholders. This course provides students with the payroll-related legislation affecting organizations as well as the tools to find information and apply that information to different scenarios in relation to individual pay.
Note: In addition to the tuition fee paid to Sheridan, students must also register with the National Payroll Institution (NPI) and pay the NPI's applicable fee(s) in order to receive their course materials and get access to the online learning platform.
Prerequisite(s): None, although a thorough understanding of mathematical principles and a proficiency in English communication will increase the probability of success in this course.
System Requirements: Sheridan requires that you bring a laptop for the mid-term and final exams. You will need access to the internet to complete exams and some homework assignments.The following are recommended browsers to access course work and exams: Windows - Microsoft Edge 41 or later, Firefox 56 or later, Chrome 62 or later; MAC - Safari 10 or later.